Monday 4 November 2013

Best Work So Far...

Best work so far from Kate-Anna Smith

So far in my personal project where my topic is looking at makeup I have completed five shoots.  I am relatively happy with my work and the standard of it and I think that my shoots have all been well thought out and planned.
I like some of the effects that I have explored within some of my shoots as I think they have added to and enhanced my work.  I have experimented with different angles at which to photograph different looks and this is something that I have enjoyed as I like the way that it can change the entire feel of an image.
Something I ma not happy about my work is that I feel some of the photos I have are too similar and I would like to widen my portfolio and gain more variety within my work - I use myself as a subject and therefore this is something I can look at changing, perhaps by using models or working on different facial expression etc.

In order to move further with my project I am going to look at exploring more contemporary and edgy looks to photograph as these are the shoots that I enjoy the most and that are my strongest.  I also think that during these shoots in particular I am starting to develop my own unique and individual style.

1 comment:

  1. Good start Kate. I like the variety within the shots, but like least slide 4 with the addition of smoke , Somehow it just doesn't look right to me.
    Dont forget to incorporate some of the techniques into your project.
