Tuesday 19 November 2013

Personal Shoot 1: Smoke and Diamonds

Plans for the shoot:
In today's class I am planning on shooting a surreal look.  It is the first shoot I am conducting for my personal project and I think it's something that is really going to get me started and launched into my project.  After finding various creative diamonds and gems at home I want to create a 'smokey diamond' look.  The look is going to be quite dark and unique, with a eeriness about it that links to dreamlike alien characters. 

I really wanted to capture the different textures that are going to be present in the look such as the sparkling gems and the matte face and how this contrasts against each other.  I plan to use the grey background for this shoot as I think it was provide a nice clean finish and not distract from anything going on with the subject.  Experimenting with different angels and poses is something else I want to explore here - as it's a surreal look I think this provides the perfect opportunity for me to get creative and really bring the character I create to life.  I also want to experiment with some 'smoke effects' in Photoshop to really build up the dark and shadowy feel I am going for.

Shoot Evaluation:
I am really happy with how the shoot went today and I think I got some really interesting shots.  The look I create in terms of the makeup went well and photographed beautifully.   I used myself as a subject as I found this the easiest option, and despite some initial problems in the beginning with me trying to compose myself and 'get into character' to capture the shot I wanted the shoot ran smoothly and without error.  I love the feel of the pictures that I got, and I have learned a lot about how the angle and pose in a shoot can change the overall entire feel of image - this is definitely something I am going to bring with to future shoots.

This first photo from the shoot is one that I particularly liked.  The pose has really added something to the shot with the way the head is tilted and the hand is positioned - the eyes look huge here too which has helped me create that surreal 'alien' feel for the picture.  The contrasts in the shot have really enhanced the overall image, for example, the pale skin against the dark lipstick, or the sparkle of the gems against the matte face.  Although it is something I didn't really plan for nor thought about for the shoot was the hair.  Though the hair here is just in a messy up-do, it has again created contrast against the symmetrical diamonds/gems and the 'perfect' makeup.  Though in some shots I don't think it works as well, here I really like it.  The sterile grey background worked really well here too as it compliment the colours already present in the shot but didn't over-shadow them nor distract from the subject.
 This second photo is one where I added the smokey effect.   I love how this has completely changed the photo and made it so much darker and added that eeriness about it that I was after.  To get this, all I used were some Photoshop brushes that I downloaded that help create the smoke, then changed the size and shape of them, and layered them up till I got the desired effect. I also changed the saturation of this photo as it's almost in black and white and this has really brought more emotion out in the shot - I also think it has made the eyes more haunting with the way they are connecting with the camera and enhanced the expression of the subject.

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