Tuesday 27 May 2014

Note to the examiner

Dear Examiner,

Though I tried many different ways of printing them, some of my final pieces are not how I would like them to look in terms of their colour.  A true reflection of what they should look like can be found on my blog in the powerpoint of my best work.

Kind regards,

Kate-Anna Smith


Monday 26 May 2014

Photo Shoot 9: Distorted

Plans for the shoot
Looking at my personal project I have found myself very inspired looking at photographs that distort the human body.  With my project being 'representation of the human figure' I thought it would be interesting to distort the human figure and look at in a more unnatural state.

I have really enjoyed exploring and using the liquefy tool in this project and think I have become rather good a using it.  With this, I thought this would be a great way to distort the body/ face.

I want to make this shoot fun, weird and interesting, therefore I am going to be ensuring that I photograph an array of different expressions and poses.

Shoot evaluation
I am pleasantly surprised with this shoot and I am really happy with the overall piece that I created.  After editing a couple of the shots I thought it would look really good to present it a multiple imagery piece - this is what I created.
I had lot of fun with this shoot and happy with the result.  I think I got really visually interesting shots that amusing for the viewer to look at.  I enjoyed shooting this and I think this shoot has developed my style further more and highlighted another area of my maturing style in which I enjoy and can expand upon.

Photo Shoot 8: Doll Face

Plans for the shoot
In today's shoot I am going to be looking at the shoot I did previously where I photographed a mannequin and gave it a human face.  I wasn't really happy with how this shoot turned out and therefore I thought I'd try doing something similar to see if I like the effect more.

I found these dolls called 'Beanie Babies' I had from when I was a child and decided I would try to put my face on one of them.  I though this would work better as I found the face looked "too much" and "too made-up" for the blank mannequin.  This differs to the doll faces which actually have more human features and therefore this should blend in better.

I am planning on using a blank background to photograph the dolls on so they stand out well (also because they have so much colour on them, themselves). 

I will again need to think about keeping the lighting and the focal length on the camera the same when shooting myself and the dolls so that nothing ends up looking distorted or out of place.

Shoot evaluation 
I feel better how the shoot went today in comparison to the shoot with the mannequin the other day.  I think everything has blended better and that the placement of the face has worked better too and doesn't look out of place so much. 

Although I don't think this is one of my best pieces of work, this is a nice variation in my portfolio of work and I think it has opened my creative mind more to experiment more with my work.

I am happier with how this shoot went today and I think experimenting with my style of work now will help me improve as a photographer and establish my style more.

Photo Shoot 7: Mannequin

Plans for the shoot
I am going to be doing something different in today's photo shoot after the last one planned really did not go well!  After having a bad allergic reaction to some of the makeup that I was using I decided to try out something that didn't involve such an extensive look.  I am planning on photographing myself as usual only looking more 'normal' and then I am going to photograph an art mannequin.  Afterwards, I want to manipulate the photos in Photoshop and make it look as if my face is on the head of the mannequin.
I will want to use a dark background for this shoot like black so the mannequin stands out well against it.
I am going to need to keep things like the lighting and the focal length of the camera the same when shooting myself and mannequin so nothing ends up looking distorted out of place.  This way the end photo will look as seamless as possible.
Shoot evaluation 
I'm not really happy with how the shoot went today nor the final photo that I have ended up with.  I definitely think that over the last two years I have developed a style within my photography work that I love to create and photograph - I found this shoot boring and hate the final photo.  Nevertheless though I think doing a shoot like this has confirmed my maturing style and allowed me to try something new even if I wasn't happy with it.
I did however get a good chance to look at my Photoshop skills in this shoot and I am happy with how I was able to blend the face out evenly to make it look as flawless as possible in terms of editing it in place.

Overall, I am happy that  I tried something new in photography today but  I think I am better suited to the kind of work I was producing before where I was able to really 'create' everything in the photo in terms of the makeup and the photography.  I think I may look at extending this shoot trying it out on a doll - I feel my facial features are more doll, especially when I emphasise everything with makeup. As this is a plain mannequin a more plain, less made up version of myself may have looked better.

Thursday 22 May 2014

Connecting Essay 5

Connecting Essay 4

Connecting Essay 3

Connecting Essay 2

Connecting Essay 1

Researched Photographers 5

Researched Photographers 4

Researched Photographers 3

Researched Photographers 2

Researched Photographers 1



Research Log


3000 word essay

Wednesday 7 May 2014

Photo Shoot 6: Muscles

Plans for the shoot 
In today's shoot I am going to be representing the human  figure through the the human body's 'insides' such as the muscles and tendons.  This idea extended from the skeleton shoot that I did a few weeks ago and I thought the human figure could be represented 'inside-out'.

I am only planning on creating this look on part f my face and making the rest of my face very white and pale - a bit like a porcelain statue.  I plan on using a black background.

Shoot Evaluation
I am fairly happy with how the shoot went today.  Though I wasn't sure about how the look/idea was photographing at first I think the final effect is quite remarkable.  I experimented a lot with different camera angles and poses in this shoot and I am happy I did this as the variety of different shots I got allowed to me experiment more when editing.

This is one the photos from the shoot.  I think it looks very 'clinical' and really captures the attention of the viewer.  I like the small colour pallet that has been used as it has made the section of the face really stand out.

I edited a lot on this photo but very subtle, the eye for a start.  I changed the colour balance to make it look red and this blended in better and matched the muscles more.  I added a gaussian blur around the face and this subtly accentuated the makeup and the eyes.  I changed the colour of the photo overall by changing the exposure levels - this made the skin whiter and added a higher contrast of colour in the red tones.  

I love the blank expression on the models face, I think it makes the photos creepier and kind of scary too look at in a way.  

The only part of this photo that I do not like it the way I extended the red makeup on to the neck - it didn't photograph as well as it looked in person.  Nevertheless though I think the blur I used on the photo helped to distract from this more and ensured the focus was on the face itself.

Photo Shoot 5: Avatar

Plans for the shoot
In today's shoot I am going to be looking at the character Avatar from the film.  I thought that this would be a good character too look at and create for my project as the 'Avatar' in the film was an entirely new race/species that was represented through the human body (therefore linking well with my project).

I am planning on using myself as a subject and creating the look of the Avatar myself using makeup.  The focal point of this shoot is going to be the face and therefore my work will be portrait based.  I also think this shoot will give me the opportunity to work on my editing and I plan on using tools such as the liquify tool and blurs.

Shoot Evaluation
I am extremely happy with how today's shoot went!  Although I encountered some problems to begin with the shoot ran fairly smoothly.  The first problem I encountered was my ears (or my Avatar ears) they ended up looking like blue elf ears in all the photos and they look odd/out of place, so I ended up scrapping them from the final look.  The next problem was choosing a background that worked well and complement the blue on my face, which proved harder than thought as the white makeup on my face was photographing so bight.  In the end I settled with an aqua background and turned my lighting down so that the white was photographing so harshly.

Here are some the final photos from the shoot:

I love this photo and I think it's one of the strongest I have ever done.  I angled the camera down to ward the subject as this accentuates the eyes and highlights the angles on the face nicely.  I used the 'bloat' option on the liquify tool to make my eyes appear bigger like that of an Avatar's, as well as altering the colouring of them using the colour balance option in Photoshop.  I created a gaussian blur around the edge of the face to again accentuate the eyes and make them the focal point; I liked this effect and though subtle it really added to the overall effect.  I love the contrast in colour in the photo and I preferred the tight cropping of the photo so it was around the face.  The brown hair contrasts nicely over the aqua background and the tight cropping agains adds emphasis to the face.  I like the expression - the eyes are connecting with the camera really well and it almost makes the rest of the face hard to read.

This second photo is one where I included more of the neck.  Evidently, I increased the contrast seen in colour here in this photo and made everything brighter - this has made the photo stand out more.  I also made the eyes illuminate more.  I added the white pattern on the neck (as seen on the cheeks and nose) after in Photoshop as I think it bought the look together more.  I then again added a subtle gaussian blur though to make sue there wasn't too  much distraction from the face.  I wouldn't normally edit my photos in this way as I think it looks too much, but on this occasion I think it worked.
I used a similar cropping in this photo and used the hair the 'background'.  The brown of the hair worked well against the blue and I think it makes both the photos more striking than the aqua colour I had for the background.  The angle of the camera here faced straight on toward the model and I think this worked with having the neck in the photo too.

Overall I am really happy with how the shoot went today.  I would love to do another character based photo shoot like this again as it was so fun to create.