Wednesday 18 September 2013

Image Bank - Overlay

Overlay is an interesting technique which two (or more) images being transposed on top of each other to create an entirely new image.  The possibilities with this effect is endless as you can really create any effect you like as there is no right or wrong with the images you pick.  I typically works well with a person or some kind of large object (as seen in the examples I have found) and then a pattern or contrast background of some sort to layer over the top.  The first photo is good too look as It has also shown a break down of all the original images used to create the final one.  I quite like the effect in some parts as it can look quite ghostly in parts (such as the third and sixth photo) but also can look very contemporary too like in the third and first photo.  The second photo sees a contrast between the human body and nature which is interesting.
I personally like the fifth photo that I found the most.  I love the way the bus has been photographed and then transposed on top of a car in a street.  When photographed both the vehicles were heading in the same direction and putting them on top f each other like this has mad the photo really interesting.  I love the lightening in the shot and how they contrast in both the shots, but have blended together well.  The vibrant colours makes the two photos hard to differentiate between as it looks quite chaotic and it's lacking a focal point - however, I think this makes the photo more visually interesting to look at.
Another of the photos that I liked was the first photo.  I love the way the photographer has taken completely contrasting images to create something really contemporary and unique.  I love the clash between the man, the buildings and nature, yet the way they combine so well together in the overall image.  I like the effect that has been used on the colours and the lightening in the shot has allowed for a focal point around the eyes of the man - this has provided some order within the busy shot.

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