Thursday 19 September 2013

Work Diary - Overlay

Shoot Evaluation

In today's class we looked at the technique overlay.  This technique is where two photos are layered on top of each other and then the opacity of them is changed so you can see the two photos through each other.  The overlay technique is a technique that allows you to add as many layers as you like to your original image, so the effects you can achieve are endless.  I think the technique is interesting as in class the way we conducted the shoot was to combine portrait shots with pattern shots, so the effect you got was really different.  I wasn't as keen on this technique and I am not sure it is something I would like to continue to experiment with as I think it can spoil a nice image on it's own - though as mentioned, I do find the effects interesting, just not to my taste.

Here are a couple photos from class:

Here is one photo that I both like and dislike elements of.  For this overlay image I change the opacity of the layers till I got the desire effect, then I used a soft edge eraser to eliminate some of the effect around the edge of my model so only her face was covered with the pattern.  I think that this is interesting however I don't think the pattern I chose perhaps was the best as it blends in with the original photo too much and doesn't look as effect as some of my other photos.

This is my favourite photo from today.  I again used a head on portrait shot like with the first photo I evaluated as well as using the eraser tool in the same way.  However, this time I also used the eraser tool to erase the effect on my models eyes and mouth - I much prefer this photo for that reason.  The eyes give a clearer focal point in the photo, this is something I felt was lost in my first picture.  I also did the same on my models mouth - because the overlay image I chose was predominately green the pink offers a nice contrast.

How I could apply this technique in my own project

I am not overly enthusiastic about using this technique again as compared to others it really isn't one of my favourites.  However, one potential idea I could use this technique for in my personal project is photographing a makeup look and the photographing some of the actual makeup itself that I used to complete the look with and then over laying these images.

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