Thursday 16 January 2014

Image Bank - Slow Sync

Slow sync is an effect where you have a normal aperture, but change the shutter speed while the flash is on during exposure - you end up with the effect seen in some of the images above.  This technique is really good for capturing action in shots, like with the fifth photo that I found.  It has made the photo really interesting to look at as you can see the different movements that are being made in the shot.  I really like how the movement looks like it has almost been 'broken down' so you can see every individual thing - this has made it visually more dynamic.  This is similar with the sixth photo that I found only here light has been used to show the movement - I think this has added a nice element to the photo and gives it a clear focal point in amongst the blurred image.

The forth shot that I found has been taken using slow sync so you can see the change in expression on the person's face.  This has been done oppositely on the second photo where you can see the subject in focus and the background shows the movement.  

The first photo that I found is particularly interesting has it's slow sync with a shot taken in a point of view angle.  Here in the shot you can see the model in focus, yet his surroundings where he is spinning are not in focus.  I think this has made the shot visually dynamic and the expression on the models's face compliments perfectly and works well with the movement seen in the slow sync.

Finally, the third photo that I found I thought was very pretty and delicate, with the movement being seen in the dress as it flows around the model.  The background for this shot contrasts nicely with the dress and the model, and as mention before the lights have worked well with the slow sync (though more in focus here, it has really made the movement in the foreground standout).  

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