Friday 31 January 2014

Personal Shoot 11: Silver (FINE ART EXTENDED)

Plans for the shoot:
In today's shoot I am going to be doing a look that consists of me spray-pinting myself silver.  I am going to also be focusing this shoot as an extension to my fine art shoot as I wasn't happy with the photos that I took and found it frustrating as I know I could achieve something better.  When I think of fine art and at existing photographers, I always see the human body, there I think this shoot will be ideal for this.

I really want to be able to capture the metallic, shiny look of the paint on the body and contrast this using a matte black background.  I want to experiment with a variety of different poses and use the hands in particular as I think covered in the metallic paint I will be able to really capture the details, angles and features on the body.

Shoot Evaluation:
I am really pleased with the outcome of today's shoot and the photos that I produced, although I did encounter a few minor problems.  One being the paint that I used started to irritate my skin and this meant that  had to work really quickly when I was in the studio - to help with this I ended up directing someone else with the camera to ensure that I got through the shoot as quickly as possible.  I also found that the lighting was too harsh to I had to dim this down - other the metallic effect was photographing too white.

I like the pose in this first photo - the light has caught the angles on the face beautifully here.  I like how the silver has also allowed the bone structure to be seen as well.  The hair looks very textured (again being accentuated by the silver paint) and this has added a nice contrast against the smooth, sheer look of the skin.

This is my favourite photo from the shoot - it looks so weird and alien-like.  I edited the eyes here using the liquify tool to bloat them slightly and make them bigger - this helped to create that surreal, alien look the photo has.

These next two photos are similar but I really like them.  The hands have photographed beautifully and you can really see all the lines and details on them and the contrast between different textures.  Both the photos look kind of mysterious as the model is hiding her face with her hands.  I love the off centre composition of the photo on the left and how central (and quite tightly cropped to the body) the photo on the right is.

I think all of these photos have really channelled the fine art side of the shoot that I was trying to get at and I really like the effect that I have achieved with these photos.

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