Friday 10 January 2014

Personal Shoot 9: 50s Inspired/ Classic Beauty Look

Plans for the shoot:
In today's class I want to look at shooting a look that is more 'classic', something that is kind of iconic of the 50s with a red lip and simple eyeliner.  I have gotten the inspiration for this shoot from the 60s shoot that I did as it went so well and I am really happy with the photos from that shoot.  I was also happy with the 8th shoot that I did where I looked at gaining different types of shots in terms of composition and pose and this is something else that I want to bring to this shoot as well.

I want to use the white background for this shoot as I a going to be wearing all black and have red lips and nails, therefore I want the colour to stand out.  I also want to experiment with different poses again and focus on the cropping and composition of my shots to make them more visually interesting.

Shoot Evaluation:
I am happy with how todays shoot went overall; here are some of my favourite photos:

This is my favourite photo from the whole shoot.  I love the pose! - it is different and I think compliments the look perfectly.  There is a sweeter, innocent side in amongst a more playful, flirty side in this photo as this is brought across to the viewer.  The model is making eye contact with the camera and this has helped to get these emotions across too.  The only real colour in the shot is red, and this makes the lips and nails stand out (something I wanted to achieve). 

I like the simplicity of this shot and how there is nothing too complicated in it - this has meant all the focus is on the subject.

This second shot is something different from my usual style of work as I think here the outfit could be taken in to consideration too as well as the makeup, looking at more a fashion/beauty shot.  The pose here is simple and this has compliment the look and everything else in the photo which is also very simple e.g. sterile background.  The model here looks stronger and that sense of innocents that is seen in the previous photo is lost.

Something I am not so happy about with this photo is the expression.  As mentioned before in some of my other shoots, I use myself ad s a model and sometimes I find that this can have its drawbacks.  I feel here I perhaps focusing too much on my body language and less on my face and the expression has become quite stiff.  This is something I would need to practice myself to avoid in future shoots.


Finally, this third photo that I like is one of the more close up shoots that I did.  I particularly like the composition of this shot and the way looks like it was captured 'in the moment'.  There is no obvious pose about the model and she is not making eye contact with the camera.  I like the expression - it looks kind of moody and mysterious.  This kind of shot is something I haven't really looked yet but I am happy with the results as it looks like it was taken with out the model knowing, making it more raw and natural. 

I am happy with today's shoot and I think I have gained lots of new skills that I can bring with me to future shoots, both personally in terms of using myself as a subject and in terms of the photography itself.  I a glad I focused this shoot around looking at the composition of my shots and the poses as Ii think I have done well in succeeding to get some visually interesting photos.

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