Saturday 4 January 2014

Personal Shoot 7: Chantelle

Plans for the shoot:
Today I am going to be using someone other than myself as a model; Chantelle is a friend of mine who I have been really interested in shooting as she has such a unique, natural look.  She is also what can be described as "beautiful" and this works well with beauty shots.

I am wanting to conduct this shoot outside as it is going to have more of a natural 'urban' feel about that will go well with the look I am  going for.  In terms of the makeup I want my model to wear a striking red lip look, and then have simple natural eyes.  My models skin is very clear and she has gorgeous freckles that I want to keep present in the shoot, therefore her face makeup is going to be natural as well.

Shoot Evaluation:
Although it was really cold today and this shoot was outside, it ran really smoothly and I am happy with the result.  I also liked the change of working outside as opposed to in a studio, although I definitely prefer working in a studio.  Here are some of my favourite shots:

 This first photo is my favourite. I lose the expression on my models face and the way the red colour stands out against all the other harmonious colours in the photo (on the nails as well).  I like the positioning of my model and her natural, innocent look.  This photo reminds me of a classic beauty shot as it is so pretty.

This next photo is must moodier and has more of an urban vibe about it.  I like the positioning of my model again and here I used Photoshop to add a Gaussian blur to the photo - this has added more focus to the model as the background is quite busy and has strong colours and lines in it.  I also experimented with different effects on the eyes here too using the bloat tool on Photoshop to make the pupils slightly bigger and add more emphasis to them.

I have really enjoyed working with someone else today as opposed to using myself.  I found it easy to conduct my model and the shoot took half the time and ran more smoothly.  I would like to work more models in the future.

Big thank you to Chantelle! - you are so beautiful and amazing to work with! x

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